
12 March 2010

Fearless Females: Day 12

Today's prompt for the Fearless Female Women's History blog challenge is:

March 12 — Working girl: Did your mother or grandmother work outside the home? What did she do? Describe her occupation.

My mother was a bookkeeper.  After high school in Rushville, NE she kept the books for a couple companies, one of them a hardware store where she met my dad, who was a clerk.  Before I was born (I'm her oldest child), she worked for Nash Finch, a wholesale food distributor.  After my youngest brother was in high school, she went back to working outside the home. She was a bookkeeper for the Old West Regional Commission and a service station in Rapid City, SD.

My mother passed on to me a love for numbers and math, attention to detail and organization, and an interest in genealogy.  Thanks, Mom!

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