
14 March 2010

Fearless Females: Day 14

Today's prompt for the Fearless Female Women's History blog challenge is:

March 14 — Newsmakers? Did you have a female ancestor who made the news? Why? Was she famous or notorious? Did she appear in the social column?

Nope, no famous or notorious female ancestors. They were hardworking wives, mothers and homemakers.

Here's a note from a March 1930 Sheridan Co., NE newspaper that qualifies as an appearance in a social column:

Mrs. John Kilber entertained the Larkin Club on Wednesday. Eight were present and enjoyed a delightful afternoon. Refreshments were served. Mrs. Emery Ogden will be the next hostess.

"Mrs. John Kilber" was originally Ethel Mae OGDEN, my grandfather Emery OGDEN's sister. So my grandmother Esther OGDEN was following her sister-in-law as hostess.

You can read all about the Larkin Co. and Larkin Clubs here.  I had never heard them before I researched this news item.  Who knew?

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