
18 March 2010

Fearless Females: Day 17

Yesterday's prompt for the Fearless Female Women's History blog challenge was: 

March 17 — Social Butterfly?  What social organizations or groups did your mother or grandmother belong to?  Sewing circle, church group, fraternal benefit society or lodge?  Describe her role in the group.

According to my grandmother's obituaries, my paternal grandmother, Julia (KAIN) HUIGENS was a member of "the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, St. Mary's Altar Society and the American Legion Auxiliary of Rushville [NE]" and my maternal grandmother, Esther (JOHNSON) OGDEN, was a member of "the United Methodist Church and active in women's groups."  As I previously posted, one of the women's groups was a Larkin Club.

My mother has always been a member of the Altar Guild at her church, both in Rapid City, SD and Kerrville, TX.  She was part of a quilting group.  She is a member of the Red Hat Society.  She is also a member of the American Volkssport Association and has completed a walk in each and every one of the lower 48 states.  I think that is quite an accomplishment.

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