
04 March 2011

Jan. 2011, Week 4: Misc. info regarding Joseph Andrew HUIGENS

I was supposed to do this blog post on the last weekend in January. Wonder which ancestor I inherited procrastination from? It would be nice to have someone to blame. So let’s pretend that it’s still the middle of winter and February is right around the corner.

Aside from birth, marriage and death facts, what else do I know about my paternal grandfather?

According to the 1920 Atlas of Knox County, he owned 160 acres in section 9 of Logan Township, Knox County, NE. I covered what I know and don’t know about his land ownership and movement here.

He registered for the World War I draft on 5 Jun 1917, but never served. From the registration form, we know he was tall, of medium build and had brown hair and brown eyes.

I’d like to know about his schooling. Did he go to public school or the Catholic school at St. Ludgers in Creighton? How far did he make it in school? I’ll need to investigate any existing Nebraska school censuses and St. Ludgers school records to answer these questions.

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