
24 April 2011

Two new records

This week I received two records I had ordered online from the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. They were a Washington Co. marriage record for John Frederick Herren and Julia Ann Adelbush and a Sheboygan Co. death record for Julia Ann's father, John Jacob Adelbusch.

These records were indexed under the names T.T. Herren and Juliane Edenbusch for the marriage record and Jacob Etelbuseh for the death record. As you can imagine, it took a little doing to find them using the society's online genealogy index. I basically ended up scrolling through all the records of a given type for a county for a given year. Luckily I had enough information about the events that I could find these sources.

These records were created at the state level from records forwarded by the counties starting in 1852. I'd consider these to be derivative sources. These records have then been indexed by the society. Finding them was made difficult because of errors made during the abstraction at the county level or transcribing them at the state level (e.g., "Edenbusch") and errors introduced during the indexing ("Eitelbuseh").

The main thing I was hoping to learn from the marriage record was the maiden name of Julia Ann's mother. No such luck. As you can see, they listed her with her married name: Gertrude Edelbusch. Brickwall: 1, Kevin: 0. The game goes on.

The puzzle raised by this source is the birthplace for John Frederick. This source has it as "Hanover." In all the US Census records 1850 to 1900, his birthplace is "Wisconsin." There is a Hanover in Rock Co., WI so maybe that's what is meant and not Hannover, Germany, where his father was born. It's a headscratcher.

The big stunner for John Jacob Adelbush is his place of death: the Sheboygan Co. Insane Asylum. That's the second of my ancestors to have died in an insane asylum. The cause of death is listed as Senile Debility. I'm assuming he was there because he was suffering from dementia or perhaps Alzheimer's and not because of some other mental illness.  He died at the age of 84 in 1901 and the record says he was there for 2 to 3 years. That explains why I haven't been able to find him in the 1900 US Census.  Now I know where to look.

Here's how I'd cite these two sources. I'd appreciate any feedback on how to improve these citations. I generated these using The Master Genealogist's templates.

State-level record of Washington Co., WI marriage record for TT Herren and Jualiane Edenbusch, 1:319, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State St., Madison, WI 53708.

Jacob Eitelbusch entry, State-level records of Sheboygan Co., WI death records, 4:6, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 816 State St., Madison, WI 53708. Hereinafter cited as JJA Death Record.

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