
16 October 2011

Abraham Strayer's 1889 Civil War Pension Deposition pt. 4

Here is my transcription of page 4 of my g-g-grandfather Abraham Strayer's 1889 deposition regarding his Civil War disability claim. The first two words come from the end of page 3.

I laid//on the brick floor of the Court House there [Jacinto] one night and think I took cold. We were guarding prisoners at the train and I slept on the floor when not on post My diarrhoea got very bad. I was up + about but was running off at the bowels very badly. I was left back with the teams + to guard Co. Theres when the rest marched to Iuka. I was there a week without medical care when a Dr. came back + examined us all + I was sent back. The order was that all who were not able to march 30 miles should be sent back to guard the train to Corinth. We remained there about a week when the teams + all men able for duty were ordered out to the command.
Some surgeon came out to our camp examined the men and ordered me and others who were not fit for duty back to hospital at Corinth. I will state here that I was not able to march back from Jacinto to Corinth and was allowed to ride in one of the wagons. I kept my gun and equipment and in getting down off the wagon (on the second day I think it was) I slipped and fell on the wheel hurting myself down about the groin. I said nothing about it at the time. It hurt me but I thought nothing of it, while at hospital I found a lump there but I said nothing of it and in fact// thought little of it for some little time after the war.
The end of the last sentence comes from page 5.

Between diarrhea and groin injuries, I don't think my ancestor enjoyed his brief time in the service very much.

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