
29 March 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy: Week 13 - Local Societies

Week 13. Local Societies: Local genealogical and historical societies are the lifeblood of genealogy. Members and volunteers give their time and money to preserve local history and promote family history. Tell us about a local society for which you are thankful.

I am most thankful for the Clinton Co.IA Historical Society. I've only visited there once, but I found Clinton and Lyons city directories that helped me place my Iowa Irish ancestors over the years. Plus they have a huge county map from 1865 that shows the location of the Kennedy and Kain farms in Hampshire Township. The one thing they have that I need to go back for is a book of wills that has a will for a John Kennedy. I'm hoping it's my John Kennedy and his brother-in-law of the same name.

The other historical society that is a must visit for me some day is in Creighton, NE.  I've corresponded with someone there, but have yet to get out there. They have photos and other information that covers the area where the two halves of my father's ancestry linked up. They also have the wedding dress of the bride of my grandmother's uncle, John Kennedy, Jr. I'll get there some day and spend a day or two absorbing information about and photos of my ancestors and relatives.


  1. It is August of 2013 and I just found your blogspot. I live in Creighton and am a granddaughter of Emily Huigens Mattern. I am very thankful for the info and pictures you post. If you make it to Creighton, let me know. Pat DeMuth,

  2. It is August, 2013, and I just found your blogspot. I live in Creighton and am a granddaughter of Emily Huigens Mattern. I am thankful for your info and pictures. If you haven't already and someday do make it to Creighton, there are many relatives here who would be happy to share their information. Pat DeMuth
