
18 March 2012

Census Sunday: 1800 US Census

I was hoping to have a census image to post for the 1800 US Census. I have not been able to locate one though. Last week I posted a 1790 record John Peter Stroher/Strayer. I can't follow up with another of his because he died in 1794.

I haven't been able to locate his widow, Maria Jacobina Stauch, who died in 1823. She may have been living with a relative. My 3rd great-grandfather, her son Andrew Strayer, turned 9 in 1800. That's the only child I've got in my records for them. They had been married for 15 years when Andrew was born, so I'm sure they had more children that Andrew.

Maria Jacobina's father, John George Stauch, died in 1803, so he should be in the 1800 US census somewhere, but I have been unable to locate him, either.

To find the 1800 US  Census records for either my 4th great-grandmother or my 5th great-grandfather, I'll need to find more information on family members with whom they might have been living. I'll add that to my genealogy to do list. If I'm lucky a distant Strayer or Stauch relative who has done this work will contact me and put me on the right track. One can only hope.

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