
08 March 2012

March 2012: Status of Research on Emery Julius Ogden

Below is where my research stands on my maternal grandfather. He sure did not like to stay in one place for very long. I tried to keep notes during a conversation with my mom last summer about where she spent her childhood, but I could not keep up and she had trouble keeping times and places straight. Maybe there are local directories that I'll find some day that will help straighten out the time line.

6. Emery Julius OGDEN
What was his full name?

Emery J OGDEN: 1910, 1930 US Census, WWI draft registration, grave marker, 2 obits
Emery Julius OGDEN: South Dakota Births, 1856-1903 (on-line database at, SD state death certificate, funeral card, SD delayed certificate of birth, SS-5
Emery Ogden: NE state report of marriage
To-do: children’s vital records, church baptism record, newspapers, Sheridan Co. marriage license
Who were his parents?
William and Mary OGDEN: 1900 US Census, 1920 US Census
William F and Mary E OGDEN: 1910 US Census
Wm OGDEN and Elizabeth HARRIN: NE state report of marriage
William and Mary Elizabeth (Herren) OGDEN: obituary
WIlliam and Mary (Herron) OGDEN: obituary
William Frederick OGDEN and Mary Elizabeth HEEREN: SD delayed certificate of birth
William OGDEN and Mary HERREN: SD state death record
William Fred(e)rick OGDEN and Mary Elizabeth HERREN: parents’ obits
William Fredrick OGDEN and Mary Elizabeth HARREN: SS-5
To-do: church baptism record, newspapers, Sheridan Co. marriage license
When was he born?
9-Sept-1896: South Dakota Births, 1856-1903 (on-line database at, WWI draft registration, funeral card, grave marker, obituaries, SSDI, SD state death record, SD delayed certificate of birth, SS-5
Sep 1897: (Age 2/3 before his birthday; possible changed from 3 to 2 to match misstated birth year) 1900 US Census record
1896: 1910 (age 13 before his 1910 birthday), 1920 (age 23 before his 1920 birthday), 1930 (age 33 before his 1930 birthday) US Census records, 1905 (age 8 before his 1905 birthday), 1915 (age 18 before his 1915 birthday), 1925 (age 28 before his 1925 birthday), 1935 (age 38 before his 1935 birthday), 1945 (age 48 before his 1945 birthday) SD Census cards (Family Search database)
1896: derived from age of 32 on NE state report of marriage in Mar 1929
To-do: church baptism record, newspapers, Sheridan Co. marriage license
Where was he born?
Elk Point, Union Co., SD: obituaries, funeral card
Union Co., SD: South Dakota Births, 1856-1903 (on-line database at, SD Delayed birth record
SD: 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 US Census records, 1905, 1915, 1925, 1935, 1945 SD Census cards
Clay Co., SD: WWI draft registration
Elk Point, Clay Co., SD: SS-5
Spink, Union Co., SD: Marriage License
Elk Point, Spink Co., SD: Children’s 1945 SD Census records
To-do: find exact location of family in 1896, land records, county directories, newspapers, children’s SD census records
When did his family move from Union Co. to Charles Mix Co.?
Between 1896 (birth) and 1900 US Census
To-do: land records, county directories, newspapers
Where did he go to school?
No place of graduation given: 1915, 1925 SD Census
To-do: ask Mom ,SD school census
How long did he go to school?
1910 US Census states he had attended school sometime since 1-Sept-1909, when he was almost 14 (too old for 6th grade!  Did he go past 6th but not through 8th grade graduation or High School graduation?)
Common: 1915 SD Census (he turned 19 in 1915)
6th gr.: 1925 SD Census
6 g: 1935 SD Census
6th: 1945 SD Census
To-do: SD school census
When did he move to Tripp Co.?
Between 1915 SD census and 5-Jun-1918 WWI draft registration
To-do: land records, county directories, Winner directories, newspapers
What are the details of his military service?
Enlisted Sep 1918, discharged in 1919: obituary
To-do: Order his military records; order his last pay record; order copy of discharge papers from Mellette Co. court house
When did he move to Mellette Co.?
Between 5-Jun-1918 WWI draft registration and 1920 US Census
To-do: County directories, Winner directories, land records, newspapers
When did he move to Todd Co.?
1920: Mary Herren’s obituary
Between 1920 and 1925: 1920 US Census  and 1925 SD Census
To-do: County directories, land records, newspapers
When did he move to Gordon/Rushville?
Between 1925 and 1929: 1925 SD Census and 1929 Marriage
Living in Rushville when he met Esther and got married: Interview with Mom July 2011
To-do: County directories, land records, newspapers
When did he marry?
19-Mar-1929: Emery and Esther obits, newspaper article from Rushville on 22 Mar 1929, NE state report of marriage
1929: 1935 SD Census
1930: 1945 SD Census
To-do: Rushville Morse Memorial Methodist church marriage record, Sheridan Co. marriage license, other newspapers
Where did he marry?
Rushville Morse Memorial Methodist church: Emery and Esther obits
Rushville, Sheridan Co., NE: NE state report of marriage
To-do: Rushville Morse Memorial United Methodist church marriage record, Sheridan Co. marriage license, newspapers
Where did he live and when between wedding and settling in Rushville?
Henning, Otter Tail Co., MN:  after the wedding according to his obit (not true says mom)
Rushville, Sheridan Co., NE: 1930 when Ardis Rosemary was born, 1930 US Census in April, when Mom was born 7-Aug-1931
Sold City Service Garage in Feb. 1930 according to news article in Sheridan Co. historical column—was in Rushville
According to 1945 SD Census, he spent 3 years living outside of SD (1929-1931?)
1945 SD Census says Esther had been in SD for 14 years, meaning she arrived in 1931
1945 SD Census says Mom had been in SD for 10 years, meaning she arrived in 1935,doesn’t match her mother’s info
Donald was born in Rushville in 1934; 1945 SD Census says he spent 1 year outside SD, means they moved in 1935, ,doesn’t match his mother’s info
In Rushville when mom was born
on a farm N of rushville when Don was 1 and mom was 3
to batesland about when mom started school
Batesland, Shannon Co., SD: 1935 SD Census; Sep 1938 when his mother died according to her obituary
went to part of 1st grade in Batesland and boarded with a family because no school near farm, but part way through they had a teacher so she went home and went to country school near Denby west of Bates land, near family named Shepardson
Roselyn was born in Martin in 1936; 1945 SD Census says she spent 0 years outside SD lived near Denby maybe
Bill was born in Gordon in 1938; 1845 SD Census says he spent 0 years outside SD lived near Denby at that time says Mom
5 different teachers in 5th grade because of moves between SD and NE
PR in school
dad had store in white clay they lived behind it between time in extension and pine ridge store
Margie was born in Rushville in 1940; 1945 SD Census says she spent 0 year outside SD lived north of Pine Ridge on a dairy farm
Carol was born in Rushville in 1942; 1945 SD Census says she spent 0 years outside SD lived in the Exension near White Clay, NE
Kay was born in Rushville in 1943; 1945 SD Census says she spent 0 year outside SD lived at the Middle Store in Pine Ridge in apt behind store
Pine Ridge, Shannon Co., SD: 1945 SD Census (When did they move from Batesland?) Mom went to Gordon HS because no HS in Pine Ridge for white student stayed with Mercy Froehman
Back to Rushville before Mom started HS (fall of 1945): notes from Mom
before fall of 1946 moved to Rushville and grandpa commuted to Pine Ridge
Left Rushville for Gordon when Mom was in HS (before fall of 1948): notes from Mom
June of 1948 bought store in Martin and moved family there; mom stayed and roomed with Evans family to finish HS in Rushville 1 yr in Gordon and 3 in Rushville
Martin, SD: 1948 to mid-Sept 1961 (mom), May 1951 when father died according to his obit kay and dennis bought the store
Gordon, NE: 1961 to 1974 (source?)
Martin, SD in Aug. 1952: SS-5
To-do: Directories, land records, newspapers, 1940 US Census
What did he do for a living?
Managed Chevrolet garage in Rushville, store in Pine Ridge, Martin Clothing Store, store in White Clay, dairy near Pine Ridge, farm near Denby: Mom interview Aug. 2011
Self-employed in Aug. 1952: SS-5
To-do: Newspapers, county directories
When did he die?
8-Apr-1984: Obituaries, grave marker, funeral card, SD state death record
Apr-1984: SSDI
To-do: Rushville church records (Morse Methodist), probate records
Where did he die?
Bennett County Memorial Hospital in Martin: Obituaries
Bennett County Community Hospital: SD state death record
To-do: Nothing
What was the cause of death?
Cardio-respiratory arrest caused by advanced chronic obstructive lung [pulmonary] disease [COPD] along with ischemic heart disease and cardiac insufficiency: SD state death record
To-do: Nothing
Where is he buried?
Fairview Cemetery in Rushville, NE: Obituaries, grave marker, funeral card, SD state death record
To-do: Nothing

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