
08 April 2012

Census Sunday: Emery Ogden Family in 1940 US Census

Here is my transcription of the census entry for my mother's family from the 1940 US Census.

State: SD
County: Shannon
Township, or other division of county: Unorganized T35 + 36, R43+44
S. D. No. 2
E.D. No. 57-2

1. Street, avenue, road, etc.
2. House number (in cities and towns)

Household Data
3. Number of Household: 301
4. Home owned or rented: R
5. Value of home (if owned) or monthly rental (if rented): 5
6. Does this household live on a farm? Yes

7. Name of person: 
 Emery Ogden
Esther Ogden
Shirley Ogden
Donald Ogden
Rosaline Ogden
William Ogden
8. Relationship of this person to head of household:  Head Wife Daughter Son Daughter Son
9. Sex:  M F F M F M
10. Color or Race:  W W W W W W
11. Age at last birthday:  43 38 8 6 4 1
12. Marital Status:  M M S S S S
13. Attended school or college any time since March 1, 1940:  No No Yes Yes No No
14. Highest grade of school completed:  6 H3 2 0 0 0
15. Place of birth:  South Dakota Illinois Minnesota Nebraska South Dakota Nebraska
16. Citizenship of foreign born: 
17. Residence on 1 April, 1935 - City or town:  R R R R
18. Residence on 1 April, 1935 - County:  Shannon Shannon Shannon Shannon
19. Residence on 1 April, 1935 - State or foreign country:  South Dakota South Dakota South Dakota South Dakota
20. On a farm?  Yes Yes Yes Yes
21. Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or nonemergency Gov't. work during week of March 24-30? (Yes or No):  Yes No
22. If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during -week of March 24-30? (Yes or No):  - No
23. If neither at work nor assigned to public emergency work. ("No" in Cols. 21 and 22), Was this person SEEKING WORK?(Yes or No):  - No
24. If not seeking work, did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No):  - No
25. Indicate whether engaged in home house-work (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (Ot):  - H
26. Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940:  70
27. Duration of unemployment up to March 30, 1940 - in weeks:
28. Occupation: Trade, profession, or particular kind of work, as frame spinner, salesman, rivet heater ,music teacher:  Farmer
29. Industry: Industry or business, as cotton mill, retail grocery, farm, shipyard, public school:  Farm
30. Class of worker:  OA
31. Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent full-time weeks):  52 0
32, Income in 1939 (12 months ended December 31, 1939): Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions):  0 0
33. Did this person receive income of $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary (Yes or No):  Yes Yes
34. Number of farm schedule:  46

Source citation: 
1940 U.S. census, Shannon County, South Dakota,  Unorganized T35 + 36, R43+44 , population schedule, enumeration district (ED) 57-2, Sheet No. 18A, household 301, line 1, Emery Ogden; digital image, 1940 United States Federal Census (Beta) [database on-line, accessed 5-Aug-2012]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012. Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls.

According to my mother, this farm north of Pine Ridge, SD was a dairy farm. My grandfather, with a 6th grade education, was working 70 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, paying $5 a month in rent, all to keep a roof over his family's head, clothes on their backs and food on the table. I'd love to be able to see the Farm Schedule. It seems these were probably destroyed after the summary data were compiled. Damn. I have 19th century farm schedules for some of my US and Canadian ancestors and they are full of information about turnips and honeybees. I wish I had this same level of detailed info for my 20th century ancestors.

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