
24 April 2012

Tombstone Tuesday: Helena Fitzler

This is the grave marker for my great-great-grandmother, Anna Helena (Schmitt) Fitzler.

I have not yet been able to locate her husband's grave. That would be my great-great-grandfather John Wymer Fitzler. I'm pretty sure he died in Marshall Co., IL. Thanks to a recently found obituary for Helena that I wrote about here, I've managed to narrow down the date of his death to around 1892. I'll find him eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Hello... My Grandmother's father was Lorenz Balleweg, Son of Mary Gertrude Richling, Daughter of Agnes and Lorenz Richling. I believe that Agnes could be related to Helena Fitzler - perhaps a sister. The only info I have on Agnes is another name (Diex) and she was:
    b: 12/18/1829 in Sarmesbach, Prussia
    d: 3/3/1914 in Creighton, NE

    The birth date does not match identically to the age they have on the gravestone, but this information came from my grandmother and she didn't know if it was 100% accurate.

    Helena is buried in the same cemetery as the Richlings and Ballewegs... This is how I found Helena and you. I am new to researching ancestry... My grandmother passed away two years ago and she had given me all the info she had. I just got married last year and was interested in finding out more about my ancestry. Any info you might have on Helena or if she might be related to Agnes somehow, that would be great!

    Jennifer Summers
