My age is 67. I was formerly a farmer, not now able to work.
My P.O. address is Milan, Ill.
I was late pri D, 17th Iowa Vols [He was a private in Co. D of the 17th Iowa Infantry.]
I enlisted March 17, 1862 and was discharged from the hospital at Keokuk Iowa for disability Jany 28 1863.
No other service.
I claim pension for rheumatism + chronic deirrhoen [sic]. I did apply for poisoning but I don't know but what I thought to be poisoning was simply the result of rheumatism and deirrhoen [sic]
I was fully swollen in hands, in fact all over. When I came home, a Dr. Pesser of Brighton, Iowa told me I was poisoned. That is all I know about it, and that is why I made that claim. The Dr. did not examine me or treat me, just looked at my hands at a sale. I was also ruptured in service, but I do not know as there is any use in putting in a claim for that, as I did not show it to anyone. I have also been troubled with a trouble about my heart. I can not get my breath at times. All ways have been troubled with shortness of breath since the war.
You can see what I mean about it being tough to read. Here is what the word that I take to be "diarrhea" looks like.
Even being generous, I cannot give Mr. Horton credit for having spelled that correctly.
More of this soon.