22 March 2010

Fearless Females: Day 22

Today's prompt for the Fearless Female Women's History blog challenge is:

March 22 — If a famous director wanted to make a movie about one of your female ancestors who would it be?  What actress would you cast in the role and why?

I think that my great-great-grandmother, Katherine (TOEMMES) HUIGEN, had a life story that would make for an interesting film.  Born in the Rheinland of Prussia in 1827, she came to America in 1853 with her mother, brother and sisters.  Maybe with the help of professional researchers, the famous director could figure out how she met my great-great-grandfather, Dutchman Evert HUIGEN, and when and where they married.  He died at the young age of 37, leaving her a widow with three children and a farm in Marshall Co., IL.  She met and married Nicolas WEND from Luxembourg and moved the family across the county line to a farm in Putnam Co., IL.  She had two children with Nicolas. When all her children were grown and they could no longer farm, they moved to Iowa to live with their daughter's family.  Katherine died in 1899 at the Illinois State Hospital for the Insane.  Not really, a happy, up-beat movie.

I'd cast a young, dramatic actress in the role.  One in her mid-twenties who could be made to age with prosthetics and make-up.  How about Natalie Portman or Emily Blunt?

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