09 March 2012

Looking for relatives in LofC Newspapers

Watching the Jerome Bettis article on WDYTYA tonight reminded me about the Library of Congress newspaper archive, Chronicling America. I went back tonight and searched for "Huigens" in Nebraska starting in 1884. I found four hits.

The first is from The Norfolk [NE] Weekly News-Journal, September 27, 1907, Page 3. It mentions my great-grandparents, John and Mary Huigens of Creighton, NE as visitors to Norfolk on the previous Sat. No idea who they would have been visiting.

The second is in a column called "Thursday Tidings" from the 19-Feb 1909 edition of the same paper. BJ Huigens would be my dad's uncle, Bernard Joseph (Barney) Huigens. He would have been about 25 years old.

Barney also shows up in the next item from the same paper 21-Apr-1911. It appears he won an election to the village board of Herrick, Gregory Co., SD as a "wet" candidate, meaning he opposed Prohibition.

The last item mentions a Huigens from Sioux Co., IA in the Omaha Daily Bee of 9-Jun-1890. The column title is "Iowa Items." I'm not sure how or if we are related to the Sioux Co. IA Huigenses. I've got a couple of census of records, but so far have not been able to tie them to the Creighton, NE line. I guess I'll have to search the newspapers for Huigens in Iowa. I'll let you know what I find.

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